Sep 13, 2009

Fishing Tips for Beginners

Fishing Tips for Beginners

By: Richard McNeal
Fishing is a healthy, relaxing hobby that can help relieve stress and strengthen relationships. Taking up fishing as a hobby can be intimidating, but in reality, it's easy to begin hooking fish with only a little background information. Below, you'll find basic information on fishing equipment, methods, and how to catch and clean a fish.

What Fishing Tools Are Required?
The most important piece of equipment you'll need is a rod and reel. For novices, a cheap or borrowed pole often works best. Many experts recommend beginning with a spinning or fixed spool reel, rather than a conventional or bait casting reel.

The term "tackle" is used to describe the various equipment used for fishing. The following list will give you an idea of what a beginner's tackle box might contain:
-- Hooks
-- Bobbers
-- Sinkers
-- Lures
-- Bait
-- Fishing line
-- Stringer
-- Fillet knife
-- Fishing scissors
-- Needle-nosed pliers
-- Basic first aid kit
-- LED flashlight
-- Net

Most outdoor recreation retailers carry these items and can explain their design and function.

Wear the right clothes when fishing. Dress warmly, as temperatures tend to be cooler on the water. Additionally, a sturdy pair of waterproof boots are an excellent investment for any outdoor activity.

You'll also need a fishing license. Fishing licenses are typically granted by the state, and may be obtained from your local fish and wildlife agency or outdoor retailer. Be sure to familiarize yourself with all the rules and regulations in the area where you plan to fish.

How Do I Fish?
The following is a brief introduction to basic fishing lingo and techniques.

-- Still-fishing involves baiting a hook, putting it in the water, and waiting for fish to bite. Done from boat, dock, or shore, still-fishing typically employs the use of bobbers and sinkers.
-- Jigging: Moving bait up and down underwater by lifting and lowering the rod.
-- Trolling: Dragging a lure or bait through the water using a boat.
-- Casting: Throwing or "casting" bait with a fishing rod and then reeling it back. Casting is usually performed with an artificial lure to attract the fish as it is being reeled in.
-- Fly fishing: Casting small, light-weight artificial flies that emulate insects and other fish food. This method is vastly different from traditional methods, as it requires a special rod, reel, line, bait, and technique.

Regardless of which method you use, one technique you'll need to know is how to land a fish. Essentially, the process consists of three steps: setting the hook, pumping the rod, and netting the fish.

Finally, if you plan on keeping and eating the fish you catch, you'll need to clean them. To clean a fish, use a fillet knife to make an incision along the belly, from the rear to the head. Remove all the entrails until only the meat is left. Removing the head and tail are optional, but not necessary.

Now What?
Go fish! Trying new methods and equipment and eventually developing your own unique style is part of the excitement of fishing. Just be sure to develop your talent for tall tales as well, so that no matter how many fish you reel in, you can spread your arms wide and swear, "It must have been this big!"

~Richard McNeal, 2009
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Get equipment and fishing tips for beginners including fishing flashlights and filet knives at
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