Sep 22, 2009

Fishing for Tuna in Florida

By far, for any angler, one of the most efficient fighting fish has got to be the tuna. From the biggest bluefins to the smaller tunas, they can yank so hard that it almost feels as if your arm will be pulled clean from its socket or even work them down so hard that your arms will turn to jelly.

Most of the Atlantic species of tuna can be found along the Florida coast line regardless as to whether you are fishing from a boat, the coat or even a pier. You can find anything from the skipjack and tunny to the bonito and albacore, all there and ripe for the picking.
To anyone planning on fishing for tuna, identifying between the 8 species can be a daunting task. In general, they all look almost exactly the same. From their crescent tails to their bullet heads, the tuna is a massive fish of pure muscle that prefers to swim down rather than away, making it a tougher task to reel in.

For many anglers, the tuna is nothing but a nuisance. Plain and simple, one would have to work more exhaustively to reel one in, just to bring it up and only be a tuna. But to those love a good tuna meal, then why not take up the struggle of a lifetime with a 20 to 30 pound trolling line and a powerfully fast tuna fish.

Just remember that most people think that the tunny is not edible do to the fact that unlike the more popular species, the tunny has red flesh, but it still makes a good meal to anyone who is willing to try a red fish.

Every fisherman who finds his or her way to Florida has got to give tuna fishing a try. Just remember it is not for the faint of heart. The tuna is a strong and worthy opponent and will give even the biggest of fishermen a run for their money.
More about Florida Tuna at Best Fishing Clubs
John Old

Webmaster of: Best Fishing Club
Writer of: Florida Tuna Fishing